Brainstorming for one
Brainstorming is probably my favourite way of getting out of a rut and generating new ideas. It’s a key tool…
5 reasons to reduce ‘clutter’ and grow your business
A recent visit to a local boutique was a stark reminder of the main drawback of trying to be all…
How referable is your business? (continued)
Following on from our article last week – ‘How referable is your business?’ – see below for a further two…
How referable is your business?
Lead generation is now more important than ever and client referrals are the most profitable way to build your business….
Five reasons interviews often miss their mark
Research shows that if you use an interview as your main decider, you have only a 14% chance that the person you choose will perform well in…
What I learnt about business in two days in Hong Kong
Last week I attended expert level training on Harrison Assessments, delivered by the founder, Dr Dan Harrison. It was wonderful to have the…