What makes a good manager?
What makes ‘a good manager’?
Leadership Management Australasia (LMA) released a summary of the key findings of the Leadership, Employment and Direction (LEAD) Survey in December 2010.
This list of ’22 Characteristics of Good Managers’ makes interesting reading.
How many can you check off for yourself or your managers?
- Is trustworthy and open in approach
- Clearly communicates where we are going
- Gives me the “space” to do my work, but supports me
- Listens to and respects my input into decisions
- Gives regular and honest feedback on how I am going
- Is fair and even handed/makes reasonable demands
- Provides the resources I need to do my job
- Recognises me for extra efforts/results
- Coaches and develops me
- Trusts me with challenging work
- Supports me in the decisions I make
- Takes responsibility for their actions
- Helps me with my career development
- Has a sense of humour
- Provides guidance on how to meet expectations
- Sets a good example of work/family/life balance
- Respects what is personally important to me
- Sees their own job as different but not more important
- Involves me in determining my performance measures
- Takes my talents into account when assigning work
- Openly helps me to resolve workplace conflicts
- Helps me prioritise my work
If you missed anything, we can probably help you.
Contact us to find out how.
Thank you to all those who participated in our survey that closed on Friday.
We really appreciated your input. We’ll be reporting on the results in the next post.
About Susan Rochester
Susan Rochester has been managing director of Balance at Work since 2006. Susan has a natural tendency to balance analytical thinking with an optimistic outlook to set direction and solve problems. She is an effective facilitator and constantly creates new and more effective ways of doing things, motivated by helping others to achieve their goals.
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