Getting started with effective people management can be as simple as giving your staff clear job descriptions. We all feel more engaged in a job when we know exactly why we are there and what is expected of us.
Outline the responsibilities and targets for your new and existing staff and you will soon see higher returns on your investment.
Employees are at the heart of any business because happy employees mean hefty profits. Your business can’t shine over the competition without an engaged workforce.
To attract and retain the best talent, you need good employment practices. It is no accident that the revenues for the Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work For see increased profits over their competitors.
A Business Health study showed that Australian companies with effective people management practices had profits 159% higher than those with poor employee engagement.
The simple practice of having job descriptions for your staff can have a dramatic impact on profits.
Businesses whose majority of employees know their responsibilities were found to have profit levels of 125% above those without.
A detailed organisational structure with clear roles, responsibilities and reporting lines is the basis of a job description.
The time invested will be repaid many times over when everyone knows what they’re doing and why.
At a minimum, a job description includes:
A job description is by no means exhaustive and may change over time. It’s important to keep your employees updated on changes in their responsibilities.
Speak to your staff regularly about their KPIs and help them track their progress. There may be something you can do to help them achieve the targets.
Work on job descriptions with your staff, and they will feel supported, and you will be more likely to see returns on your investment in them.
Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash